

| Veranderingsmanagement & Change Management | Organisational Change | Colours of Change | Appreciative Inquiry | Flow | Open Space | BPR |
| Chaos, Complexity & Self-Organization | Autopoiesis | Virtuele Organisaties | Theory of Constraints (ToC) | Literatuur | Organisaties | Glossary |

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"There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."


Serendipi-tijd.nl - onafhankelijke kennisdatabank voor veranderaars, projectmanagers en opdrachtgevers.

ChangeManagement community homepage

ChangeManagement en Mikado

dAVinci - Orde op zaken

Fast Company | Management, Leadership and Career Advice for Business Executives

NOAM : Nieuwsbrief Oplossingsgericht werken in organisaties

ManyWorlds - Business Strategy & Innovation Thought Leadership

Six Boxes Model

Veranderingsmanagement & Change Management

Nationaal Onderzoek Verandermanagement (NOVM)
New Rules for the New Economy; Twelve dependable principles for thriving in a turbulent world - Wired September 1997
Dialog on Leadership
Journal of Organizational Change Management
E-Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership
M@n@gementsite; Verandermanagement
Change Management Portal
Organization Development and Change Management
Themanager.org; Change Management
Change Management 101: A Primer
ICT Kennisbank
Veranderingsmanagement - Business Issues
Oplossingsgericht Veranderen - Coert Vissser
Change Management Toolbook
Change Management resources: articles, interviews, reviews, journals, journal collections and more
Modaliteiten van verandering
Mens (m/v) Centraal in Organisaties
Neuro Linguïstisch Programmeren
Maslow Nidus
ChangeManagement & Mikado
Change Management Intro
Change management
Ezine Articles; Change-Management
Learning for a Change (Senge)
Winning at Change, John P. Kotter; Eight Steps to Transform Your Organization.
Leading Change - John P. Kotter
Change Phases (Kotter)
Six Change Approaches (Kotter)
Now We're in Chaos; The Satir Change Model
The Satir Change Model
Anticipating the Effects of Change
Facilitation of change and innovation
Managing Yourself Through Change
A Change Agent's Quest
CIO; Managing Change
The Six Fundamental Principles of Successful Change Execution
Doelbewust veranderen in zeven stappen
NOAM basislijst oplossingsgericht werken
'As A Man Thinketh'; by James Allen.
Change Management - The Columbo Theory
Leading Transition: A New Model for Change
James Allen
These articles have been written for people who want to do things better in the workplace and in their personal lives. Each aims to provide easy-to-understand, useable knowledge based on up-to-date research.
Worse Is Better
People Centered Change
Using TOC to Avoid Disappointment in Improvement Programs
Implementing Principles by Balancing Configurations of Functions
The Collective Stance in Modeling Expertise in Individuals and Organizations
Pieter Wisse.
Tom Ernsing - management sciences, cybernetics, organization, systems
Madhukar's New Economy Links
Argus Center for Information Architecture - Organizational Theory & Information Organization
OWNERSHIP (Meaning Key #12)
Introduction to the theoretical and philosophical basis of modern management.
Organizational Innovation in Historical Perspective. Change management as duality-management - W. Mastenbroek
Implementatie-management - W.J. Vrakking
Kennisbank ZBC Consultants.
Ontwikkelingen en ideeën - Holland Consulting Group
Resistance Thinking can lead to a "self fulfilling prophesy": three tricks we used to avoid that trap
Walking The Maze ...
Anaxagoras : Publicaties : E-tutorial Procesarchitectuur
Management Consultant - Online Bibliotheek
A crash course on Management.
workflow links
Knowledge Management & Workflow
Handreikingen externe verzelfstandiging.
'Beter is de vijand van Goed Genoeg'
'Onvermijdelijke hang naar domheid'
Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)
Wees eens dwars!; Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je dwarse plannen in je bedrijf geaccepteerd worden? Over de do's en don'ts van dwars management.
Managing Change in Organizations
"So Now What?" Managing the Change Process
An Holistic Model for Change Control
Obliquity is the idea that goals are often best achieved when pursued indirectly. The concept of obliquity in this sense was introduced by John Kay in his lecture 'The Role of Business in Society'. See also his article in the Financial Times.
Recommended Reading List: Managing Change with Educational Technology
Changeworks Papers and Presentations
Publicaties Veranderkunde
Strategic Change Links
ExecutivesOnline; Change Management
Change Management Learning Center
Management Science : Change Management
Business.com; Change Management
Literature on Change Management
Jaap Boonstra; veranderingen in organisaties. Publicaties en Presentaties
Professional Services Automation
Alpha Leadership
The Nine Principles of Alpha Leadership
Alpha Leadership; Book illustrations
Management of change framework
Essential Books on Change Management

"Simplicity is moving a pebble to create a landslide,
or using the flap of a butterfly's wing to create a storm."


Organizational Change

Organizational Change; An Ethical, Means Based, Approach to Organizational Change
Basic Context for Organizational Change.
Organization Change Introduction
Overview of Organizational Change
Organizational Change; An Annotated Bibliography
Organizational Change: An Annotated Bibliography
Paths of Change (Part 1): Self-change as the foundation for organizational change
Pick-Up Sticks and the Change Game
Organizational Development Portal
Role of Information Technology in Managing Organizational Change and Organizational Interdependence
TQM And Organizational Change And Development
Holistic Organization Development: A Paradigm for the Future
The Inviting Organization Emerges
Basic Context for Organizational Change
Managing Organisational Change
Bringing Life to Organizational Change
Organization Change Resources
Modeling Organizational Change - Esther Derby
Building a Framework. Begin at the beginning in organizational change
Competency Checklist for Managing Organisational Change
Seven Tips for Managing Organizational Change
Fifteen Tips For Change Leaders
Measuring The Information Age Business.
Radical Constructivism Homepage.
Outsourcing Portal
Sourcing Interests Group; Strategic sourcing & outsourcing research reports.
Capability Maturity Model

"It’s a small axe that takes down a big tree."
Bob Marley

Colours of Change

Denken over verandering in 5 kleuren - Léon de Caluwé
Digitale zelftest voor veranderaars.
Kleurenscan: introductie
Kleuren van verandering, presentatie Hans Vermaak
'Meten is weten' is heel blauw
Learning to Change: A Guide for Organization Change Agents

"When we change the way we look at things,
the things we look at change."

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry
Locating the Energy for Change; An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry; PDF-file
Appreciative Inquiry Revisited - A New Approach for Monitoring and Evaluation; PDF-file
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
Wat is 'appreciative inquiry'?
Wat is Appreciative Inquiry?
Developing a positive organizational culture using appreciative inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry and Community Development
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry Overview
Appreciative Inquiry Commons
AI Resource eCentre Appreciative Inquiry Links
Appreciative Inquiry Resources
Selected articles about Appreciative Inquiry
The Art of Appreciative Inquiry
Inspirierende Quellen
Appreciative Inquiry In Organizational Life
Appreciative Inquiry as the Root of Organizational Integrity and Business Ethics
Succesvol verandermanagement door Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Consultation: The Consulting Perspective
Appreciative Inquiry with Teams
Five Theories of Change Embedded in Appreciative Inquiry
When is Appreciative Inquiry Transformational? A Meta-Case Analysis.
A Case Study of Appreciative Inquiry in an Australian University
Appreciative Inquiry Resource List
Appreciative Inquiry resources
Appreciative Inquiry resources
Manuscripts for Downloading
Appreciative Inquiry Transition Workshop Sample Worksheet
Quotes on Appreciative Inquiry
Ailist -- Appreciative Inquiry Discussion List

"Kijk naar wat je wilt bereiken, niet naar wat je wilt vermijden"


Flow, explained.
Flow Experience.
"Flow" & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Quality of Life Research Center
Good Work Project
Flow with Soul, An interview with Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
'Flow' volgens Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Of FUN and Flow

"Simple isn't easy."

Open Space

The Worldwide Open Space
Open Space and Spirit Shows Up - Harrison Owen
Tales from Open Space by Harrison Owen
Wat is Open Space Technology?
Open Space Conferenties
OPEN SPACE - A Tool for Effective Stakeholder Consultation
Open Space - Open Forum
An Interview with Harrison Owen by Farah Lenser
Doing an Open Space, a Two Page Primer
Open Space Meetings
Open Space Resources
Open Space Papers
Open Space Blog by Chris Corrigan
Open Space Technology: A Summary
Open Space Technology
Open Space as a Metaphor for Transformation
The Four Practices of Open Space
Open Space papers
Everyone a Facilitator of Open Space

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong."
H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)


The Center for Enterprise Systems; Research Reports
"The Macroscope", a book on the systems approach.
Overview of Business Process Modelling Tools
7 Simpele gereedschappen
BPR links
BPR Publications; Articles, Reports, Case studies, Techniques, Tools, Reviews, Books, Links, Journals
Conditioned Emergence: An Approach to Transformation Using Business Process Re-engineering and Organisational Learning
Business Process Re-design: The knowledge dimension
Best Practice: Enabling Technology Providers- Hardware, Software, Consultancy

Recursief Process Management

Recursief Proces Management is een integraal managementconcept voor netwerken van werkeenheden
Recursief Proces Management (RPM)

"Nothing as permanent as a temporary solution, nothing as temporary as a permanent solution"

Chaos, Complexity & Self-Organization

Chaos Thinksite
Kennis, Chaos & Metafysica
Chaosdenken: een nieuw paradigma voor organisaties?
Complexity and Self-Organization Links
Harvard Business School; query 'complexity'
Michael Lissack's Work on Complexity and Management
Chaordic Thinking Article`s
The Chaordic Commons
The Chaordic Organization: Out of Control and Into Order
Characteristics of Chaordic Organizations.
Complexity, Chaord
Chaordic Development: A New Direction for Large-Scale IT Initiatives
Complexity International
Serendip: Complex Systems
Systems & Chaos Links
Cybernetics, Systems Theory and Complexity
Chaosforum; Grenzen aan de voorspelbaarheid
What is Chaos?; a five-part online course for everyone.
A Brief History of Chaos Theory
Science of Chaos or Chaos in Science?
Creativity, Chaos, Complexity - Lissack and others
Aides for Complexity; Agreement & Certainty Matrix
Complexity of Cooperation Web Site - Robert Axelrod
Order Out of Chaos; Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers
Complex Adaptive Systems
Oticon; This Organization is Dis-Organization
Chaostheorie, een manier om het niet-weten te begrijpen - van delen naar het geheel.
Toegepaste Chaos en Complexiteit in Organisatieveranderingen
Classic Publications on Complex, Evolving Systems
Online Resources on Knowledge Economy, Complexity & Chaos, Networks & Virtuality, etc.
COMPLEXITY: Self-organization in chaos
Complexity and Self-Organisation
Wikipedia; Self-organization
Principia Cybernetica Web
Cybernetics - Complexity - Complex Systems
Complexity & chaos - Books.
Complexity, Self-organization and Artificial Life
Thinking About Thought; Self-organization and the Science of Emergence.
Complexity and Self-Organization, links
Theory of Complex Self-organizing Systems
Complexity Reading List
Complexity, Complex Systems & Chaos Theory Organizations as Self-Adaptive Complex Systems
Principia Cybernetica Web: Self-organization (definition)
Surfing The Edge Of Chaos - Tools & techniques
Resource Links on Self-Organisation, Complexity and Artificial Life
Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) Frequently Asked Questions
Complexity and Management Mailing List

"Chaos is an unrecognised structure in an unrecognised organisational change."


Autopoiesis Resources
Autopoiesis Resources
Wikipedia; Autopoiesis
Autopoiesis and Enaction
Self-Organization & Autopoiesis
Autopoiesis & dissipative structures
Self-Organization, Autopoiesis, and Enterprises
Organizational Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management
Overview of Autopoietic Theory; Background for Maturana and Varela's Work
A Tribute to Francisco Varela
Autopoiesis Checklist
Autopoiesis Resources
Autopoiesis in Organisations
Self-Organization, Autopoiesis, and Enterprises
Anticipating Autoppoiesis: Personal Construct Psychology and Self-organising Systems.
Links on Maturana's approach
Metadesign - Humberto Maturana
References on Autopoiesis
Encyclopaedia Autopoietica
Discover more about Autopoiesis
Autopoiesis, culture and society - Humberto Mariotti
A few clues about autopoiesis terminology
Autopoiesis Dialognet
Autopoiesis Bibliography

Virtuele Organisaties

New Organization Forms; Virtual Corporations & Network Organizations
Teamworks; the Virtual Team Assistant
Virtual Teams
VIAG Kennisbank; Virtuele Gemeenschappen; gemeentelijke webportals
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Information Sources. Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) refers to human communication via computers--including computer network communication on the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Computer-mediated communication
Computer-mediated Communication Platforms; groupware
Computer Mediated Communication, IFETS Mailing List Archive
The Networked Organization
Communities of Practice: The social dimension to the virtual world?
Leren.nl; Virtueel samenwerken.
Virtual Communities
Virtual Teams.
The Third Culture; Beyond the Scientific Revolution

Theory of Constraints (ToC)

Internal link : Theory of Constraints (ToC)


Sioo literatuurlijst.
Publicaties van De Galan & Voigt.
Read, Absorb & Use.


Kenniscentrum CIBIT.


  • Autopoiesis:
    A process whereby a system constitutes and maintains its own organization
  • Cybernetics:
    The science of communication and control in animal and machine
  • Eclectic:
    choosing the best. An eclectic is one who chooses the method best fitting the situation at hand
  • Eigenbehavior:
    The behavior through which a system asserts its autonomy from other systems
  • Epistemology:
    The theory of knowledge
  • Metaphysics:
    The theory of reality
  • Realism:
    The idea that reality exists independently from the observer
  • Second order Cybernetics:
    The cybernetics of observing systems
  • Solipsism:
    The claim that reality does not exist


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