

| Denken | Kennismanagement | Organizational Learning | Systems Thinking | Autopoiesis | Data warehousing | Data Mining | Content Management | Thesauri & Taxonomies | Documentaire Informatievoorziening | Knowledge Information Systems | Tools & Software | WiKi | Blogs & K-Logs | Literatuur | Organisaties |

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The Free Knowledge Institute believes that by promoting the use of free knowledge in the fields of Technology, Education, Culture and Science more individuals and organisations will profit from the benefits of sharing knowledge.

Inspiratienet - Inspirerende ideeën voor innovatie managers

Personal Memory Management


Over (te) actieve managers; Met de voeten in de vensterbank.
Epistemology; "the branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowing."
Epistemology and Information Science
Understanding Wisdom
Understanding Human Intelligences
Kennis, Chaos & Metafysica
Opening Space for Nichtwissen (The Question)
Thinking Page
Thinking Skills
As We May Think
Six Rules for Better Thinking
Slimme mensen helpen te leren
Spiral Dynamics Platform - het ontstaan van Memes
A Comparison Of The Spiral Dynamics Map With Othermaps
Self-Test for Individuals. If you want to test your prefered Spiral Dynamics colour. PDF-file
Mental Models
Mental Models and Usability
How Individual Mental Maps Influence our Behaviour
Mental Athletics Programme Creativity Centre
Memetic Related Resources
alt.memetics resources
The Creative Learning Exchange
Resources for Creativity and Innovation; mirror.
Creativity Ezine Articles
What A Great Idea
Quotations to Bemorecreative
Oneliners and proverbs
Metaphors; Using discussion of an analogous system as a way to help people get common and creative insights.
CREAX - Creativity for Innovation.
iXknowledge Wissensportal
Wissensmanagement "people value create shareholder value"
De MIDAS-methode voor creatieve organisaties
Metaforen als breekijzer bij innovatie
Synectics; tool for Linking Thinking
Synectics (Technique)
De Witte Ruimte; speeltuin voor innovatie
Leren.nl; Innovatie.
Creativity Web - Alphabetical Index
Women's Ways of Knowing - Belenky et. al and a critique
Tools For Thought - Howard Rheingold
Overview of Windows Graphical Brainstorming Tools
Overview of Windows Outlining Programs
Brainstorming met Tinderbox
Creativity / Thinking Out Of The Box
The Delft Creativity and Innovation Pages.
De breineconomie
Decision Making
How to make better decisions
Artikelen over oplossingsgericht werken
Pragmatisch Probleemoplossen.
Problem solving
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Solving, not Attacking, Complex Problems
Cooperative Group Problem Solving
There is always a well-known solution to every human problem--neat, plausible, and wrong.
Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making
Mind Tools; Problem Solving Techniques
Simplex Integrated Problem-Solving Process van Min Basadur.
Solution Engineering (Problem Solving)
Occam's Razor
Wikipedia: Occam's Razor
KISS Principle
Wikipedia: KISS Principle
The Pareto Principle - 80/20 rule
The Dry Principle
Principia Cybernetica Web: Problem-solving
Think in opposites.
Creative Thinking
Creative Thinking Strategies
Critical Thinking
Techniques for Creative Thinking
Critical Thinking Maturity Model
Creativity Tools
Altered States Through Creative Thought
Generating New Ideas
On Creativity
Creativity Links
Groupthink of Irving Janis
Groupthink: Theoretical Framework
The Use Of The Social Science Concept Of "Groupthink" As Partial Antidote For The Managerial Embrace Of Teamwork
The Group Process: Groupthink and Managing Agreement
Eight Main Symptoms of Group Think
Group Think; Building in Quality
Group Think and Project Management
Groupthink - The Dark Side of Teaming and How To Counteract It!
Compliance management: 'ensuring that the actions of a set of people comply with a set of rules'.
Induction: Theories, Principles and Propostions

Men moet tevoren voordenken,
zodat men achteraf niet hoeft na te denken.


Knowledge Management Dictionary
Wikipedia; Knowledge
Leerstijlentest van Kolb
Kennismanagement in Nederland
Who is who im Wissensmanagement
The Problem of Knowledge Quality
Kennismanagement - Business Issues
Knowledge Mgmt. Portal
Meta-Knowledge Engineering & Management (MKEM ) Research Server
Knowledge Management links
Strategic Intelligence Portal
Books, papers and references on Knowledge Management and related topics.
Community-of-knowledge; Downloads
Kennismanagement Homepage
ManagementNet; Kennismanagement
ManagementNet; Competentiemanagement
onscious competence learning model
TIMER - Knowledge Management
knowledgeMARKT - Metaportal zum Thema Wissensmanagement
Beratungspool-Dossier: Wissensmanagement
Learning and Teaching References
Geneva Knowledge Forum
European Observatory on Intangible Assets
KnowledgeBoard; the European Knowledge Management Community
Knowledge management framework
Meta Knowledge Management Portal
Dossier e-HRM
Kennismanagement bij de overheid; Documenten en links
HRM bij de (lokale) overheid
Knowledge Management ( 890 human selected links )
The Writings of Brian Newman
KNOW Network Knowledge Management links
Ausgewählte und kommentierte Internetadressen zum Thema Wissensmanagement
KM Resources; Articles
The Global Knowledge Primer - Entovation
Kennismanagement in Nederland.
Intranet Journal: Knowledge Management.
Knowledge Management Link Collection
Knowledge and Knowledge Management
Know-Net > Library
destinationKM.com | Knowledge Management Strategies for Transforming the Enterprise
Auditing your knowledge resources before you build your intranet
Knowledge Management Papers Pitches
The Knowledge in Knowledge Management (KM)
Some Principles of Knowledge Management
-Wissensmanagement - Ein konzentrierter Überblick
Knowledge Management (KM) and Process Performance; Implications for Action
Solution Engineering & Problem Solving
Peter Drucker's Chronicle of the Shift to Knowledge Work
Avoiding Information Overload: Knowledge Management on the Internet
PrimaVera; Program for Research in Information Management at the University van Amsterdam.
What is an Ontology?
Meta-Ontological Assumptions: Information, Preferences and Knowledge
Ontology and Knowledge: Meta-ontological Perspective
Web-Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group (W3C)
Markup Languages and Ontologies
Semantic Web (W3C)
Semantic Web Course Material;
The Semantic Web - Scientific American
SHOE; SHOE is an HTML-based knowledge representation language.
Co-Intelligence Institute
GURTEEN - Knowledge Management
Nonprofit Knowledge Management
Knowledge Work & Organisation
Knowledge Management & Workflow
OpenPSA; Knowledge Management
The Knowledge Enterprise In Information Space
Knowledge Management Link Collection
Kennisproductiviteit en het Corporate Curriculum
QKennis portal voor kennisfunctionarissen
Praktische richtlijnen voor modern 'knowledge management.
Kennis & Kennismanagement; Verwijzingen naar kennis
DutchESS - Rubriek 85.20
Henk Nouwens Kennismanagement
WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management
BRINT Institute's Books on Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Research Center
Knowledge Management - Emerging Perspectives
Out-of-Box Thinking: Analysis & Commentary
Content Areas in Knowledge Management
Knowledge Connections (David Skyrme Associates)
Knowledge Management News.
Knowledge Management Resources
Computable; 20 november 1998, nr 47, pag 39, Jan Willem van Aalst (e.a.); Kennismanagement: van ik naar wij
What is knowledge management? - Barclay/Murray
What is knowledge management? - Sveiby
What is knowledge management? - Knowledge Management Forum
Knowledge Management Links - Knowledge Management Forum
Knowledge Management links - SocioSite Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Association of Knowledgework
Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Management - Internet resources (University of Kentucky)
Information Technology Toolbox - Knowledge Management
Knowledge Innovation Litmus Test
5th Generation Management Assessment Tool
KmMapTools; A collection of knowledge mapping tools.
KM.GOV - Knowledge Management in the Federal Government
Knowledge Management Consortium International
Knowledge Management Resource Center
XEROX Knowledge Research
Xerox's Knowledge Street
Resource Center on Knowledge Management
Software Dioxide: The Ecosystem for Software
W3C; Collaboration, Knowledge Representation and Automatability
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation
Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated
What is a Knowledge Representation?
On The Management of Knowledge.
Knowledge Mapping :A Practical Overview
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
The Knowledge Management Forum
Knowledge Management Server - Austin School of Business
Corporate Knowledge Links
An Index of papers on Knowledge Sharing
The 3Cs of Knowledge Sharing: Culture, Co-opetition and Commitment
The Momentum of Knowledge Management
Knowledge Exchange TM Knowledge Management System
The knowledge organisation
Information Management for the Intelligent Organization. The Art of Scanning the Environment
Thoughts worth thinking

"Kennis is macht,
gedeelde kennis is kracht"

Organizational Learning

What is a "Learning Organization"?
Learning Organizations
Learning Organizations
Why a Learning Organization?. Mirror.
A Learning Organization
Society for Organizational Learning
Society for Organisational Learning Netherlands
Dialogue and Organizational Transformation
Assessment for A Learning Organization
Organizational Learning links
Learning Webs
Adaptive Web Sites, Automatically Learning from User Access Patterns
Learning Lexicon
A to Z Learning Theories
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management
Jon Dron; Learning, complexity
Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management.
Three Cultures of Management: The Key to Organizational Learning in the 21st Century - Schein
Unfolding Learning Societies: Challenges and Opportunities
Unfolding Learning Societies: Deepening the Dialogues
Learning Organization (inc. Organizational Learning) and Knowledge Management Resources On the Web
Learning Organization Web Pages
Learning Organizations. Where the Learning Begins.
Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation
Organizational Development Links
Organisational Learning Links
Review of The Fifth Discipline
Analysis of an Organization's Learning Climate
Leren.nl; Lerende Organisatie.
Learning Links
Course Development Tools & Guides
Knowledge Workers Need New Structures
Communities of Practice; Artikelen over Communities of Practice
Conditioned Emergence: An Approach to Transformation Using Business Process Re-engineering and Organisational Learning
Knowledge Repositories: Organizational Learning and Organizational Memories
Knowledge Management and Distributed Team Working
Organizational Learning and Information Systems
IT for Learning and Training in Industry (Esprit-project)
LTI Portal: Learning and Training in Industry
Leren.nl; E-learning.
Learning Organization Mailing List and Archive
Educational Modelling Language (EML)
Learning Design Specification (IMS)
Communities of commitment: the heart of learning organizations.
Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations: An Overview
Learning Organization - SocioSite Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning
Learning-Org Dialog on Learning Organizations
'The Instructional Use of Learning Objects'
Stanford Learning Organization Web
Organizational Learning Links
The nature of data, information and knowledge exchanges in business processes: implications for process improvement and organisational learning.
Organizational Learning Literature

Systems Thinking

A Primer on Systems Thinking & Organizational Learning
Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking; Mental Model Musings
Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking Mega Link List - Günther Ossimitz
Thinking Page; Links to Sites Related to Systems Thinking:
The System Dynamics Society
SGZZ - Systems Thinking Practice (STP)
Road Maps: A Guide to Learning System Dynamics
Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking: A Requirement for all Employees
Systems Thinking Links

Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management

Autopoiesis; internal link

Data warehousing

ITtoolbox Portal for Datawarehousing.
Data Warehousing Links.
CompInfo - Data Warehousing.
Planning and Implementing a Data Warehouse I.
Planning and Implementing a Data Warehouse II.

Data Mining

Datamining; a delicate operation.
Data Warehousing Information Center.
Data Mining: Creating Knowledge From Data?
Creating a Metadata-Enabled Framework for Resource Discovery in Knowledge Bases
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Management Knowledge Base
Lycos Directory > Computers > Software > Databases > Data Mining
Modeling Applications with UML

Content Management

Alles over Web Content Management
Content Management Portal
Information Retrieval
Information Systems & Retrieval
Unstructured Data Portal
Content Management
The Gilbane Report: content, computing, and commerce - technology & trends
The Digital Library Tool Kit, 3rd Edition
Content Management
Content Organizational Theory
Content Management Links
Content Management Papers
Content Management Resources
Content Management White Papers
The CM Bible
Handboek gebruik open content standaarden
OCLC Online Computer Library Center
Content Management & Web Site Management.
Content management in overheidsorganisaties; een onderzoeksverslag, een overzicht van systemen, een stappenplan en een aantal tools.
Theory and Practice 'Free' Content Management
Line56.com | Topic Center: Content Management
Best Practices in Enterprise Content Management: Volume I, Volume II
HotScripts.com: PHP/Scripts and Programs/Content Management
Papers & Case Studies : Content Management
How to evaluate a content management system
The Content Management Systems Community mailing list
Content Management Systems
Bricolage; is a full-featured, open-source content-management and publishing system.

Thesauri & Taxonomies

A Taxonomy Primer
Web Thesaurus Compendium
Classification, Indexing, Metadata, and Thesauri
Links to tutorial & thesaurus reference sites
Taxonomy, Classification and Metadata Resources
Taxonomie Tools
Controlled vocabularies, thesauri and classification systems available in the WWW. DC Subject
Ososs - Programma Open Standaarden en Open Source Software voor de overheid.
Semantic web Informatiebeheer / taxonomy
XML every ware Congres 2001
Taxonomie voor kennismanagement en contentmanagement
Publications on thesaurus construction and use
Introductory Tutorial on Thesaurus Construction
Software for building and editing thesauri
Criteria for the evaluation of thesaurus software
Checklist for Thesaurus Software; Appendix to 'Criteria for the evaluation of thesaurus software'

The information you have is not the information you want.
The information you want is not the information you need.
The information you need is not the information you can obtain.
The information you can obtain costs more than you want to pay.

Finagle's Law of Information

Documentaire Informatievoorziening

PICA; richtlijnen voor het catalogiseren van online resources.
Links m.b.t. documentaire informatie.
Elektronisch Tekst Centrum Leiden Links.
FOBID Juridische Commissie; Participanten in de Juridische Commissie zijn de FOBID (Federatie van Organisaties in het Bibliotheek-, Informatie- en Documentatiewezen), IWI (Innovatie Wetenschappelijke Informatievoorziening) en OCLC PICA B.V.
Quality management and documentation issues
eLib: The Electronic Libraries Programme
Information Landscapes
De virtuele bibliotheek, Definitie van kernbegrippen.
Hybrid Library Toolkit
Bibliotheek Software.
Argus Center for Information Architecture - Organizational Theory & Information Organization
Argus Center for Information Architecture - Organizational Theory & Content Management, structured information, meta data and database technology.
Sun - The Digital Library Tool Kit
Ten Steps to Implementation
Metadot Open Source Portal Server
Meta Data Portal
Metadata Portals & Multi-standard Projects
Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
Search & Retrieval Systems
METAe. The METAe project is a research and development project co-funded by the European Commission
Metadata XML et al.
TPOT: Technical Processing Online Tools
Cataloging and metadata
Digitale archivering en duurzaamheid
Alles over bewaren van digitale bestanden.
Stappenplan voor digitaliseringsprojecten (KonBibl.)
Het programma Digitale Duurzaamheid heeft tot doel een duurzame toegankelijkheid en beschikbaarheid van digitale overheidsdocumenten te waarborgen en zo te verzekeren dat de overheid ook in het digitale tijdperk betrouwbaar kan functioneren. Richtlijnen voor het gebruik van elektronische informatie, DoD-eisen voor elektronisch archiefbeheer, Digitaal Depot, onderzoek relevante wet- en regelgeving, links.
Providing Digital Resource Management Solutions
Legal Considerations in Designing and Implementing Electronic Processes: A Guide for Federal Agencies.
Electronic Filing.
Virtual Courthouse.com; Electronic Filing.

Knowledge Information Systems

Management Information Systems Research: @Brint.com
Nijenrode; MIS
The Virtual Community -Howard Rheingold
'Smart Mobs'
WWW Collaboration Projects
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning". It is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers.
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Computer-mediated communication
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Information Sources
Superbrain - Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
CMC Magazine
Computer-Mediated Communication Links
Virtual Communities
Virtual Environments
Communities of Practice
Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Toward a unified view of working, learning, and innovation
MOO/MU* Document Library
MOO/MU* Document Library
Rachel's Super MOO List; More than one hundred fifty MOOs at your fingertips on the web since 1996!
The MOOring
The eMU Papers
Information Systems in the workplace: Groupware, HCI, CSCW and CMC
CASE Tools - itmWEB
The Groupware Yellow Pages
Insead; Groupware
Yahoo Resources on MIS

Tools & Software

YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement
Surfing The Edge Of Chaos - Tools & techniques
Community-of-knowledge; Tools
Information Design and Data Visualization
Knowledge Software
Concept Mapping Tools
Personal Memory Manager
Content Management Systems
Computer Interfaces and the Web
Knowledge Management &Workflow
Software for Creativity & Idea Generation.
ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.
Learning Organisation Assessment tool
Knowledge management and Collaboration; Tools and software
Cognitive Science and AI
WebOnto; is a Java applet coupled with a customised web server which allows users to browse and edit knowledge models over the web.
Topic Maps
The TAO of Topic Maps
Home of SC34/WG3
Business Case Topic Maps - ISOC.NL
* Outlining
* Practical design of outlines and site maps
* Overview of Windows Outlining Programs
* Uses of Structures for Thinking
* Outliners for OS X
* PIM: Free Personal Information Manager Software for Macintosh and Apple Computers
* Inside Outliners
Overview of Windows Outlining Programs
* Mind Tools; software
* Mind Manager; Mindmapping tool, freeware-versie. (Recensie).
Mind mapping and visual concepts diagramming
MindManuals.com is the leading supplier of extra software for MindManager®
MindMap ICT Markt Gemeente Den Haag
FreeMind; free mind mapping software.
* ItemTree. Laat op een Explorer-achtige manier informatie rangschikken. Shareware.
* ActionOutline; outline-tool. Shareware.
* BrainForest; outline-tool. Shareware.
* Zoot
* Metadot is a popular open source portal software (GPL) recognized for its revolutionary ease-of-use.
* Correlate
The Brain
The Literary Machine
S*i*ftware: Tools for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
a model groupware environment, using freely available Internet services
enCore Open Soruce MOO Project
MOO Resources Online
Knowledge Management Tools
Lotus Knowledge Management Tools


WikiWikiWeb front page
Wiki (Encyclopedia)
What Isa Wiki
Open Wiki
So Ya Wanna Wiki Wiki
HBS Cases: How Wikipedia Works (or Doesn't)
Gallery of user styles that can be achieved using the MediaWiki skinning software.
Choosinga Wiki
PmWiki; is een WikiWikiWeb in de scriptaal PHP. PmWiki is ontworpen als hulpmiddel, waarmee op eenvoudige wijze, in samenwerking, websites ontwikkeld en onderhouden kunnen worden.
Zwiki is een Zope-based Wiki-clone
TWikiTM - A Web Based Collaboration Platform
Setting up a 'Personal Wiki'
Wiki for HandHeld computers
Personal wiki as PIM :

Blogs & K-Logs

Weblogs Compendium
Blog Clients
Blog Software Types
Blog Software
The Weblog Tool Roundup
Blogging Software Roundup
Blog Software Perspectives
SocioSphere - Blog Software and Hosting
Weblogs: Tools
Greymatter; the original opensource weblogging and journal software.
Tinderbox; personal content management assistant for Apple.
Phil Wolff; klogs
Blawg - Law & Legal Related Weblogs
JURIST - Law Blogs
Practice Source; Knowledge Centre
Slashdot | Weblogs as Base for Knowledge Management Systems?
a klog apart
Weblog Madness: Roll Your Own
Klogging vs. the 11 Deadly KM Sins.
Weblog Ethics


Some Principles of Knowledge Management / Thomas Davenport
Knowledge Management: Refining Roles in Scientific Communication / R.E. Lucier - EDUCOM Review, Fall 1990
Position Paper on Corporate Knowledge Management / Ann Macintosh - Artifical Intelligence Application Institute, March 1995.
An Electronic Journal Browser Implemented in the World Wide Web / M.E. Salomon and D.C. Martin


Kenniscentrum CIBIT
Loeve & van Marion
Ned. Genootschap voor Informatica - Werkgroep Kennismanagement
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kwaliteit en Zorg


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